Sunday, February 22, 2009

Olivia, Sophie posts for mom and dad.

We had a great day. I fixed Eggs, pancakes & bacon for breakfast, but Sophie was grumpy because she wanted cereal. She got over it in a hurry though. After breakfast and clean-up Sophie did her homework/sentences without being asked. She did a great job as usual. Olivia took an early nap, 10:45 (I think she got up too early). After Olivia's nap we went to Espanola: Wal-Mart. Cute pics of the girls playing with the toys. After shopping we went to to Wend's and then DQ for ice cream. Olivia enjoyed bites from my ice cream cone. Its nearly bath-time, so I'm kind of in a hurry to get this done.


Emily said...

So far, ice cream and sugar donuts for lunch? They are not going to want to come home!

Grandma Lil said...

I've stuck a few vegetables in there too. I think there was a grape inside of the dougnut. Does that count for a fruit? Not!!!